Prioritize the transit network your community deserves

Remix is the first planning platform for public transit. Explore new concepts, make data-driven decisions, and rally stakeholders around your vision 10x faster.

Great transit and great streets go hand-in-hand

Prioritizing transit on our streets is a key way to achieve sustainability and equity goals. Remix helps you visually communicate the benefits of allocating space for transit, highlighting design tools to improve speed and reliability.

Unlock access and reliability with high-quality transit

Plan scenarios for high-frequency routes in the context of your network, so transit moves fastest on streets with the most demand. Identify growth opportunities for different service types with better data, supported by street design.

Plan for multiple modes collaboratively

Street design involves multiple departments, often with competing demands. Remix augments work across teams, so you can navigate trade-offs inherent in promoting other sustainable modes alongside fast, reliable transit.

Learn more about Remix solutions


Plan your transit network from vision through implementation

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Envision, plan, and design streets for the multimodal city

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Ready to get started?

Governments of all sizes trust Remix to understand, plan, and coordinate multiple transportation modes. Find out how Remix can help your city.

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