With shared mobility, the streets of the future must change

To better achieve your safety, equity, and sustainability goals, Remix brings a wealth of multimodal data to your fingertips, so you can plan streets and shared mobility together.

Use data to envision your best multimodal network

How and where are people traveling on your city’s streets today? Analyze trip paths to see desire lines — so you can plan safer corridors and stronger bike networks, and encourage mode shift away from single-occupancy vehicles.

Improve safety by understanding risks

Where have fatal collisions happened? How does your city’s high-injury network compare to street investments? Evaluate historical incidents to prioritize traffic safety projects where your community needs them the most.

Identify and address infrastructure hot spots

Where and when are people using certain corridors, streets, and curbs? Visualize areas of high activity and use those insights to plan and design interventions that allocate street space to its highest value use.

Set up your mobility program for success

How is your micromobility program performing? Are all neighborhoods benefiting equitably? Analyze trip patterns, utilization, caps, and other metrics to inform and adapt policies — so mode shift is encouraged and not penalized.

Learn more about Remix solutions


Envision, plan, and design streets for the multimodal city

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Shared Mobility

Ensure better community outcomes with new modes

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Ready to get started?

Cities of all sizes trust Remix to understand, plan, and coordinate multiple transportation modes. Find out how Remix can help you.

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